Duchin (Boots and Braces zin)

1.Cheers Duchin, so at the beginning something about you, so can you tell me something about you, like age, work hobbies...etc?

So I am Duchin, 23 years old and what job I am doing isn´t information for you :). Hobbies so music (Oi!, RAC, streetpunk, ska, rock N roll...) and everything about skinheads, like gigs, collecting records and also writing my zin. I also love history of Formula 1, palying hockey on PS2, fun with chicks, drinking with mates and visiting football terraces.

2.How do you came into Oi! And skinhead style? What people influence you? I know you played in two local bands - Finanční krize and Bootboi!s how were the gigs and why did the bands stop playing?

I came to Oi! circa 8 years ago when I got records of bands like Fistbois, Operace Artaban and fro foreign bands Close Shave or Vengeance. I came from city where never be any Oi! Scene, my beginnings were difficult and I could´t find any more music. There were some nazis and some anarchopunks and their music didn´t influence me. I started to visiting football matches of FKN, where I got some skins music from right wing hools(but they were lending me only nonpolitic music haha). I don´t know if somebody influence me but I like the gigs which were organisated by Otto H. In that age, his Chelsea fest belong to ane of best actions here in Czech republic, but he had to quit this because of some bigger problems. I want myself to follow his footstpes so I started to make some gigs of many styles. So about my bands Finanční krize was band which I founded as a punker in 2002, we played cca eight gigs and we record demo called Hooligans and we were also on Czech and Slovak Streetkids Compilation vol2 with not so well played song Náš kult(Our cult). We quit about personal problems inside the band. I founded Bootboi!s as a skinhead one year later and musicaly it was better band. Lyrics were about patriotism, drinkind, clockwork orange, really politicaly incorrect Oi!punk. We played also some covers from Orlík, Oppressed, Skrewdriver, Cock Sparrer and Cigánsky problem from Zóna A. Some of you can remeber legendary fight when we were playing this song. We played cca eleven gigs which were gread like with Začiatok Konca in Hradec Kralove in Diablu, with SPS in Česká Skalice or again in HK with american streetpunk Run Like Hell. We recorded first demo called First Clockwork Action(live from first gig when we plyed with All Bandits) which were really good, but the sound was bad. I won´t talk about the end of the band, but the offender were punished on gig in Brno.

3.You are making zine Boots and Braces? Before it you were doing zine Chuligán which were I think more into third half thing, why did you change the name to BaB and will be there also something about football?Making paper zine isn´t too easy so what is your oppinion on webzines?

So at first I corrct you. Zine Chuligán, which I started to do in 2004 wasn´t too much about hooligans, there were something about football like history of Chelsea(after SKS the best club in the world) and something about Newcastle United. But it was definitely music zine. I made two issues and then I cahnge the title to Boots & Braces, after the song from legendary Skrewdriver. It also fits more to the content which changed from punk into skinhead style. I like webzines and work which you and your mates do is really great because you are only one how does it in this way in Czech republic and I know that it was de from the heart and with no pose. On other side it is pitty that not so many people are doing paper zines. I know it is difficult, more money and time, but reading the real zine is different then sitting by computer. It is like comparing the original CD with the burned one. Quality is the same, but booklet and other atributes of original are better.

4.What zines or people influence in that age?

Defintely the best zine which I ever read was and will be Vlad´s Bulldog. Fucking good work. I don´t know if some zine will be on that quality but I will do my best to do it haha. I like also Kabanos´s Štyngec which is something like bulvar street paper, so when do you make some another issue mate he? From older zines also Michal´s Our Cult or Clockwork Legion. From Slovakia zines Warrior or... Nowadays not so many people do zines so cheers to 4 Subculture, Slovakia Made In Pressburg, Real Enemy (cheers Picko) or Slut´s leftwinged Skinread haha (Péťa is good lad, don´t mean his poltics too seriously).


5. How are jo choosing the bands, reports and articles to your zine?

I am choosing bands which I like because of music, lyrics or just because they are interesting. It is mainly Oi!, streetpunk or RAC. Many people didn´t like too much RAC bands but I listen to theere bands, I haven´t to agree with their oppinions I can give some space to them to tell me something about them. Then it is on you how to deal with information. I didn´t call my zine apolitic, because it isn´t. It is for people who have overview. Reports are from gigs and shows which I visited and other articles are about things which I just think about. To next number, it will be out at the end of february, I started to cooperate with new editor Bob, so there will be quantum of new music.

6.How do you look on current Oi/streetpunk scene in CZ/SK and her evolution?(You can write about concrete cities..)

In our country are many so called scenes and in every city it is different. I am laughing to all GNWP activists who think that they know everything and called their hippie scene as a skinhead scene. Many of those people are just posers and I can laugh into their face. I am glad that we have Terror Pirates and Lions Roar (both crews made from people from whole republic), NBG (Nord Bohemia Gang) or Rabiat gang (Brno). This is the scene for me! No pose just hard core. And we did quite good shows like september 07 Discharger in Vyškov, november 07 Ultimo Asalto in Hradec, january 08 – Razorblade in Hradec, july 08 – Streetkids Fest in brno, august 08 – The Corps in Prague or september 08 The Pagans in Vyškov. I can´t forgot also our trips to Belgium or Germany. This is the scene which I am into. I have to also mencion new bands like H.T.O. and Normals?! And fro Slovakia - Beerstreet Boi!s and Ani Krok Spät!.

7.Do you like more new old old bands? Can you tell us your actual top ten bands?

I value all bands which are standing for their oppinions and it doesn´t matter if they play now or quit 25 years before. From old ones I like Skrewdriver, Endstufe, Combat 84, English Rose, Skullhead, West Side Boys...From the new ones Razorblade, Lion´s Pride, Kill Baby, Kill!, Ultimo Asalto, Kampfzone, Les Vilains etc. My top ten is changing very often so at the moment it is
Hais & Fiers – Coupable
Glory Boys - Glory Nights EP
Strongside - Rockin´The Reds
Kill Baby, Kill - A Prophet Returns
Rat City Riot - Load Up
Operace Artaban - 1-2-3-Oi!
Ani Krok Spät! - Pravda je dnes iná
Outclass - Second To None
English Rose - Never Be Silenced (older thing)
H.T.O. - Za národ! (their first record will be on CD insert to Boots & Braces 3

8.Plans with zine the future?

I have many plans, I want to release my zine more often, I hope two issues per year. If the things go ok maybe three issues. I am also thinking about changing the format to A4 and more exporting abroad. CD insert will be also to every issue I hope.

9.Words on the end, greetings, messages..etc.

Thanks to you for giving me space in your zine. I just want to say cheers to my friends from Olomouc, Brno, Zlín, Praha, Teplice, Litoměřice, HK, Náchod, Úpice, Vyškov, Mladá Boleslav, Kolín, Jičín... (for village people like Joska or Zajíček – you are mencioned in the nearest city. OI!